Reformation Celebration Sign Up
Sunday, October 28, 2018, 5:00-7:00pm
You can read the Bible on your phone because of Luther.
We love and treasure the Word of God. The Scriptures are our sole source for doctrine and practice. The Scriptures deliver Christ to us, and for this we rejoice.
Luther desired that every person have access to the Word of God. He translated the Bible into German so that every person could read it. A result of Luther’s translation was the proliferation of Bible translations, and today, the multiplicity of media through which God’s Word is freely available.
We want to celebrate Reformation Day this year with an evening of food, singing, fellowship, a sermon from Luther, and games. The evening is for the entire family.
Each family is asked to bring a starch (buttered egg noodles, boiled potatoes, or rolls). EP will provide Bratwurst, German Goulash, desserts and drinks. So that we can get an accurate headcount please sign up below or at the information counter.
If you have questions, please contact Amy Houston or David Rose.