31 Club
(*entering grades 5-9)
Based on the qualities of a “woman of noble character” described in Proverbs 31, the 31 Club is a summer creative arts camp for girls entering grades 5-9. Join us as we explore God’s Word together and engage in fun activities like food preparation, art, physical challenges, and yarn or textile crafts. Older students and adults will serve as facilitators and mentors. There is no charge for the sessions.
When: Monday afternoons, 1-4 pm
June 16 * June 30 * July 21 * August 4 * August 18
Where: EP Fellowship Hall
A party on August 18 will be the culmination of our activities. We ask that you commit to come to the events for which you have signed up, since we will purchase supplies based on these numbers.
Interested in joining? Register at the link below!