Men’s Bible Study

All men are invited to come enjoy the fellowship as we study and pray together for one another every Thursday morning from 8-9am. You can participate in person or online via Zoom. If you have questions, contact Don Post (, or 443-207-4940).


How the Resurrection of Christ Changes Everything


Thursdays from 8:00-9:00AM (in person and via Zoom)  

Do Christians place their hope in a lie? Is the resurrection of Jesus simply an ancient hoax invented by the church? Many people hold that view today. But those who reject the empty tomb fail to make sense of the unavoidable evidence from both Scripture and history. The verdict is in: Christ is risen, and our lives will never be the same. In this teaching series, Dr. Gabe Fluhrer makes a compelling case for Christ’s victory over the grave. Not only is His resurrection a historical fact, but it presents the true answer to our deepest questions and provides every Christian believer with undying hope.

For more information, contact Don Post (

Prayer Partners

Contact Pastor Chad Barber to connect with other men who will walk through life with you.

Life on Life

Life on Life Ministries

Contact Pastor Don Post to join a group.

Learn more about Life On Life -

In addition to events for men, a majority of men at EPC are actively engaged in serving the body of Christ and our local community.  Whether repairing homes in our congregation or the homes of others, visiting the sick, leading small group studies, or serving on our elder or deacon boards our men are perpetually in ministry and could use your help.