MARCH 2 - MAY 25, 2025
Sent to Share: Becoming a Witness for Christ in a Post-Christian World
Led by Rev. Chad Barber, Rev. Dave Strumbeck, Elders: David Halley, Bernie Cohen - Fellowship Hall
Meets in Fellowship Hall
In a world where many people are skeptical of Christianity, we need to understand how to share our faith in a way that makes sense in today’s culture. This class will teach you how to communicate the gospel with clarity, respond to objections with grace, and engage in relationships that open the door for deeper conversations about faith. Prepare to be equipped and encouraged to be a faithful witness wherever you go.
JOEL, AMOS, & Obadiah
Led by Elder Brian Warshaw
MEETS IN Balcony Room 202
The books of Joel, Amos, and Obadiah are revelations from God spoken through his prophets, calling his chosen people to repent and return to him. Even though God promises judgment for their unfaithfulness, he also offers hope of restoration in the Promised Land and reconciliation to him as their Lord.
led by elders bernie cohen and todd metezler
MEETS IN the conference room
Church historians agree that Acts is a continuation of Luke’s gospel story. It is based on Luke’s historical research of the early church as the apostles carried out Christ’s missionary mandate. Four passages seem to indicate that Luke was present with Paul during some journeys, and therefore an eyewitness to some accounts. Luke’s goal is to show how Christ continued to work through the apostles by the filling and power of the Holy Spirit. Acts1:8 is the key verse to understanding the missionary mandate that Christ gives the Church: “… But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth”. Throughout this two-term class, Todd Metzler and Bernie Cohen will reference James Montgomery Boice’s Acts: An Expositional Commentary as well as other supplemental materials in presenting these lessons.
led by Elder Kevin Freer and Deacon Jared Guckenberger
Meets in Room 204 (educational wing)
We will be using a study written by Tim Keller to look at what Paul’s letter to the Galatians shows us about the application of the gospel to our lives. Participants will receive a Workbook that will be used through 2 semesters of this study (Winter and Spring, 2024-2025). This class is an interactive study that will be discussion focused. In addition, internet links will be provided to sermons that cover the text of the study for at home listening/review. This study contains 13 units, each containing a Bible Study and a related Reflection or Exercise. Classes will alternate between a Bible Study one week, and the corresponding Reflection or Exercise the following week. The reflections help provide deeper understanding of some concepts, and exercises will give an opportunity for practical application. Come and join Kevin & Jared as we seek to live "in line with the truth of the gospel." (Galatians 2:14)
Led by elder Paul Larson
Meets in the classroom off of Fellowship Hall
The class is designed to help our UD international friends improve their English skills and learn the Bible by using the morning’s sermon text. Please join us and serve the nations in Jesus’ name!