Mission is in the DNA of our congregation.  We currently give roughly 23% of gross receipts to local, national, and international works of mission. These monies come through the regular tithes and offerings of God's people at EPC.  We are intentional about sharing the gospel with the people in our community through practical and loving involvement of our members in their lives.  It also means that we faithfully support national and global missions through prayer, finances, and personal participation.

Missionary Focus

Scott and Meghan Dillon (serving in Cusco, Peru with MTW)

Scott and Meghan work primarily with and through an MTW-partnered church in a lower-income neighborhood of Cusco called San Jeronimo. In 2013, the church ordained their first national Cusqueñan pastor, Elisban. This was a fruit of many years of investment by the missionaries in Cusco and Scott continues to work alongside Elisban in ministry. Since 2013, Scott has focused on further leadership development in the church by adopting a program that focuses on the three major areas of development: personal character, ministry experience, and academic prowess. They are focused in the work of church planting, leader development, and field leadership.  Check out their latest video update

Missionaries and Benevolent Causes We Support

Mission to the World

Africa - Kyria, Jim and Karen, World Relief/AIDS - Karl and Debbie Dortzbach

Bulgaria - Dal and Beth Stanton

Chile - Verne and Alina Marshall

Cuba - Richard and Robyn Crane

England - Rob and Jenny Ilderton, Paul & Liz Meiners

France - James and Jacki Gildard

Haiti - Thomas and Lucy Wright

New Zealand - Steve and Rita Williams

Peru - Scott and Meghan Dillon,  Nathaniel and Alicia Gutierrez

Ukraine - David and Jill Martin

USA-Atlanta - Jud and Jan Lamos

Serving in Sensitive Areas - Phil and Barb, Jeff and Mischa, Scott and Jessica, Andrew and Megan

Agencies of the PCA

Committee on Administration

Committee on Discipleship Ministries

Other Christian Organizations

Cru - Kirk and Sarah Irwin

A Door of Hope

Good Neighbors Home Repair

Greater Europe Mission - Mark and Marti Mylin (France)

Harvest USA - Ellen Dykas

Heritage Presbytery Church Planting - Will Sterns (Hope Presbyterian Church)

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship - Greg and Sandy Baker (UD), Jen Hartman (DelTech)

Love, INC. (In the Name of Christ)

Navigators - TJ and KyongA Hayes

Reformed University Fellowship - Nick & Erin Owens (UD), Daryl Wattley (DSU)

Reformed University Fellowship International - Rick & Wendy Gray (UD)

Serge (formerly World Harvest) - Josh and Kristi

Sunday Breakfast Mission

Third Millennium - Gary and Phyllis Waldecker

Wilma Cross (Wilma’s Partners in Ministry)

Wycliffe - John and Judy Williams (Mexico), Elizabeth Eno (FL)

Young Life