Christmas Concert:  “Here Is Joy For Every Age”,  a traditional service of lessons and carols featuring scripture readings,  congregational hymns, and the choirs of EP Church and Faith Presbyterian Church. 

The Eyes and Feet and Christmas….“Go Tell It, Children!”

  • Childcare will be available for children under 2 years old.

  • This is for the whole church family and their friends and relatives

  • Come hear the Christmas story as we sing and celebrate this season with the children at EP. Foundry Strings will be playing, SS Children will be playing chimes and singing.

  • All children will be involved during this program.

A pre-service musical presentation: John Rutter’s "Brother Heinrich's Christmas",  with narrator Rob Ellis, vocal ensemble, oboe, bassoon, and piano, will begin at 5:30.  


Join us for Sunday Worship, 10:45am

Cutting Through the Clamor (1 Corinthians)

At EP Church, we believe that worship is vitally important. If you aren't able to attend our corporate worship, service will also be streamed live here and on Facebook, starting 10:45am.

Download the bulletin for this Sunday, December 22th (PDF).

You can also watch our live stream on our Facebook page.

We exist to gather, disciple, and send.


At Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Newark we seek to:

Gather together to worship God through Jesus Christ.

Make disciples for Jesus, according to his command.

Be sent and send others us into the world as his ambassadors.


Worship with us

Our preaching is Biblical and Christ centered, a combination that allows us to minister to long time Christ followers, new Christians and people with questions.

celebrate with us

We celebrate the many gifts of God through special concerts, conferences, camps, and fellowship events.